
Augustine on Evil

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Augustine regards sin as the willful abandonment of greater goods for lesser ones when the abandonment is contrary to Gods commands. by C Steel 1994 Cited by 17 All evil is either sin or a consequence and penance of sin.7 Augustine also strongly rejects the idea that the divine Creator could be at all responsible for evil.

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Augustine observed that evil always injures and such injury is a deprivation of good. For Augustine as for the Neoplatonic philosophers being is essentially good and evil is a privation not an actual positive force in nature. Lust in his conception is the main cause of evil OFCW I.20. The problem of evil then is to see whether and how it might be both that God exists and that evil exists. If we have a free will then we also have the duty to make decisions based on a wellformed conscience and what is good and evil. From the viewpoint that he developed the position maintained is that evil is caused by humans and not God Wawrytko 50. Evil is what ought not to be the disorder of creation the violation we protest. Next commentary on Augustines theory of evil. Augustine in response to the question of what evil was came to the conclusion that Evil has no positive nature but the loss of good has received the name evil. Augustine taught that we bring evil upon ourselves by choosing what was corruptible in physical terms instead of choosing what was incorruptible. In this sense then evil is not a thing but an effect. Lecture slides httpsdrive.google.comopen?id1x7kmI4Ldy2cJ3GN0ILZRS3tE3sNWrL0KfZx4CDa0. Instead Augustines concept of hyle although it displays many similarities with the Plotinian idea of Matter corresponds to a good and not to Evil. The Cambridge Companion to Augustine June 2014. Augustine knew that evil was real. by V Le 2018 This thesis demonstrates how Augustines concepts of good and evil opened up certain conceptual possibilities that Descartes Kant and Schelling later developed .